Is Star Wars In A Good Place

Brendan Winkel, Staff Writer

Kenobi: So far, it’s been quite spectacular and I haven’t really been disappointed by any decisions made. One decision, and if you’ve seen Rebels then you know, is a little confusing, but I’ll bet they’ll clear it up in the future. If they don’t, then uh oh. No spoilers though.

In my opinion, Star Wars is in a rather meh place. Kenobi should hopefully bring the series back up to its greater status, after the rather underwhelming Rise of Skywalker and Book of Boba Fett. Disney Star Wars has very mixed responses. 

Movie / Show IMDb Rotten Tomatoes Audience
The Force Awakens 7.8 93% 80%
Rogue One 7.8 84% 87%
The Last Jedi 6.9 91% 69%
Solo 6.9 69% 82%
Rise of Skywalker 6.5 52% 72%
Mandalorian 8.7 93% 96%
Bad Batch 7.9 88% 85%
Book of Boba Fett 7.4 66% 86%


I was kind of surprised about the audience approval rating for Book of Boba Fett after seeing the backlash; must just be people love ol’ Boba.

But overall, Star Wars is in a C+ to B- area in terms of ratings. But; I hardly doubt this will be going down. If it does, then yikes.

You’ve got Kenobi currently streaming, and it looks great so far, Ahsoka and Andor coming up, Bad Batch Season 2, Mandalorian Season 3 on the horizon; there’s more Star Wars content than Marvel stuff coming out.

Right now it’s in an average place, but it is plausible that its situation with critics and audiences will improve with the new shows coming out.