Top Summer Jobs for Students
June 4, 2022
Idaho Falls is home to many summer jobs where students can work. Top jobs are working for the city, at the mall, and at ice cream stores. Many students from Thunder work at one of these jobs or other jobs in the area.
Working for the city can be a fun job for the summer. Students can apply to work as laborers for public work or on the parks green team. When working as a laborer for public works you do water agency, waste water, maintenance, and building and grounds cleaning and maintenance.
Layna Weaver, Jr at TRHS, has worked as a member of the parks green team for two years in a row. “It’s a great job to stay outside and earn some money,” said Weaver. If you are looking for a job to keep you outside and you don’t mind yard work the green team is a job for you.
The Idaho Falls mall has many stores you can apply to work at. The Grand Teton mall has 66 stores split between clothing, food, and entertainment. It’s a top job for the summer for students. Kalian Scoresebey, a Sophomore at TRHS, works at the Boehme store. “I’ve been working there for over 3 months and I love to work there over the summer. It’s one of the best jobs I’ve had, I recommend it if you like clothes and meeting new people,” said Scorsebey.
Other job favorites include working at one of the local ice cream stores. Dairy queen is a favorite for students. Emma Ramson, Jr at TRHS, loves her job because she gets to see all her friends over the summer. If you like meeting new people and serving sweet treats working at an ice cream shop is a great summer job.