Decision Day 2022

If you are a high school senior or the parent of one, you know this Sunday was a special day. May 1 was College Decision Day.

What is college decision day? Decision day is traditionally the day on which applicants must commit to the college or university they plan to attend. Now you can commit before that, in many cases committing before decision day is recommended.

After talking to multiple Thunder Ridge Seniors, there is a wide variety of schools to which the class of 2022 has committed to. Some seniors have committed as far away as Boston while others decided to stay closer to home, attending BYU-I or CEI.

What do you do if you’re a senior that didn’t know about decision day? Most U.S. colleges and universities require commitment by May 1 however many schools do offer a rolling deadline on enrollment just be aware scholarship offers may not be valid after May 1. For more information, reach out to your choice’s admission department.

How do you commit to a college or university? Committing is not as simple as picking a hat off a table to show everyone your intent.  You must confirm your enrollment to a university and most times pay a nonrefundable deposit.