What Makes Us Thunder Ridge?

Abbie Nelson, Staff Writer

As the 2021-2022 school year is coming to a close, Thunder Ridge High School is celebrating its four-year anniversary. The first-ever four-year Titan class is about to graduate, making the question present itself, what makes us Thunder Ridge?

There have always been stereotypes about kids from certain schools. You’ve probably heard things like one school is the rude, or the rich, or the gross school. Stereotypes are true for Thunder Ridge too, but what do our own students really think makes us special?

According to Thunder Ridge High School Senior Bryn Kirkendoll, “I think what makes us special is that we have a lot of students that really care about each other and the community. Granted we may not always get along, but it seems like we all can really rally around each other.”

There are other things that make us special too, though. On an Instagram poll, some students cited things like our drama department and clubs as things that make us Thunder Ridge.

See the thing is when thinking about what makes us Thunder Ridge there is a problem. Our school is only four years old, meaning there isn’t a quality written in stone.

This to some could be perceived as we have nothing exclusively special; however, it hosts a grand opportunity. Thunder Ridge High School students get to decide what they want our school’s legacy to be.

We can choose the stereotype we want everyone around to know us as. There is still time for traditions. So get out there Titans and show what makes us special.


Photo Credit: thunderridgetitans.com