2022 Oscar’s A Major Disaster
April 8, 2022
For anyone who has a television or any kind of social media, it’s no secret that this year’s Oscars were nothing short of a disaster. Many might think that the only thing to happen was Will Smith punching Chris Rock after a G.I Jane joke, but that is just the beginning of the long list of what went wrong. But let’s take a look at the list.
First, the writing of the show was packed full of awkward, ill-timed jokes that left people in the audience and home alike uncomfortable. Most of this comes from “comedian” Amy Schumer, who is known for stealing other people’s jokes and making people uncomfortable.
Next on the list of misdirections was what the Academy decided not to show, which was a large group of awards that they decided were not important enough to be televised. As one can imagine, the people who worked very hard to receive these awards, as well as many others, were not pleased with the Academy for excluding them from the televised program.
Last on this list is the inappropriate music choices. The person in charge of music for cues thought that it would be a good idea to play Africa by Toto for two black female Oscar winners and La Isla Bonita By Madonna for Stephanie Beatrice because she is Latina. This cute little stunt was clearly targeted at these talented women’s races and is absolutely unacceptable.
Overall the entire Oscars event fell short of what it should have in choices of a host, music, and unplanned assaults. Hopefully next year The Academy can pull it together and redeem themselves, because it’s not looking good for them right now.