Flood Devastate Australian Locals

Abby Christensen, Staff Writer

From late February to early March of this year, Australia was hit by a series of devastating floods, and as a result, thousands of Australians were forced to evacuate their homes. The flood has caused severe damage to many residences and has even caused landslides in some areas, all while water levels continue to rise. 

The flood originated the night of February 27th, when the Wilson River riverbanks began to flood. Just hours later water began to rise at an alarming rate and many people had to be rescued from rooftops by good samaritans. Tens of thousands of people were forced to evacuate the Sydney area, and on March 9th, Prime Minister Morrison declared a national emergency. 

 A big problem that has arisen from the flood is a large spike in venomous snake bites. An even larger problem is the fact that many of the people who have been bitten are unable to get help because the flood has left roads unserviceable. There have now been many choppers dispatched to help those who need medical attention and rescue people who are trapped from landslides. 

A large contributor to the floods is the alarming amount of rainfall some areas of the country are getting. Reports have shown that Sydney has received 34 inches of rainfall, a level of which is normally not reached until late August. The most recent report on March 9th revealed that at least 20 people have been killed and over sixty thousand people have been evacuated from their homes. Dozens of homes have been completely wiped away and countless more have to severe damage. 

Photo Credit: TheGuardian.com