Halloween Spirit Week Shenanigans

Rose Suxo, Staff Writer

Last week, Thunder Ridge High School had a Halloween-themed school spirit week to give the students something fun to look forward to every day. The students that participated in the days throughout the week all agreed that their days just happened to be a little “better compared to regular school days.” Now that is saying something. 

Thunder Ridge student Brooke Webb said, “I think that the school should hold a contest every single day for the best dressed in each grade. That definitely would’ve made it even better and probably would’ve made more people want to participate, but the week was definitely still fun.” 100% agreed. Thunder Ridge student William Bybee responded to that idea by saying “it definitely would have made me want to participate if a prize was involved.” Welp, he was just saying what everybody was thinking. Prizes make everything better. 

This spirit week seemed to have gotten the students ready for a fun-filled Halloween weekend. The most participated-in day was Friday, which happened to be Wear Your Costume to School Day. It was more than interesting to see everybody’s costumes. The halls were buzzing with joy and excitement. Compliments were being thrown around at every corner. The whole vibe was so uplifting and nice to be around and a part of. The school has amazing school spirit, especially from the upperclassmen. 

There were a lot of parties going on all around town on Saturday night. If they were not at parties, then they were hangouts with family, friends, or just chilling. Including fun days like this throughout the school year definitely affects the students in a positive way.