Spider-Man: No Way Home Is Just Two Months Away For Marvel Fans


Jason VanHook, Staff Writer

Marvel fans get ready for the release of Spider-Man No Way Home, which is just right around the corner, set to be released on December 17th, 2021!  

Not a lot about the plot is known, except for what was revealed in the teaser trailers in the past few weeks.

The movie is set in the year 2024 as we follow Peter Parker (Tom Holland) in his journey as a high school teenager who lives a double life as SpiderMan. After being set up to look like a criminal who killed a known hero and having his identity revealed, his status as a superhero becomes altered. 

It starts to take effect on not only him but also those close to him. Due to these events, he goes to Dr. Strange in hopes to undo the wrong that has been done to him. He is hoping to make the world forget his true identity. Unfortunately, the spell didn’t go as planned, causing multiple universes to open up, wreaking havoc on the world. 

 Opening up Multiple universes shows fans some familiar faces from the older Spiderman, such as Doc Ock, played by Alfred Molina, returning after playing Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2 in 2004. 

After fans watched the trailer, many were ecstatic and even Thunder Ridge student Fletcher Lake, a self-proclaimed Spiderman fan, commented that he  “couldn’t wait to go and see the movie. from what I’ve seen from the trailer, it looks like a very explosive and action-packed movie. I can’t wait to see the way the story heads in.”

The movie sounds like it could be the movie of the year and a great addition to the Marvel cinematic universe.

Photo Credit: commons.wikimedia.org