Homecoming: More Like Homestaying

Rose Suxo, Staff Writer

Homecoming as we all know is a time for high school students to get out and have some fun with friends or their dates. But nobody ever talks about those that don’t go to Homecoming. Nobody ever talks about the people that prefer to stay home and have time with themselves.

Many people, when asked about Homecoming, responded “homecoming is stupid and pointless” and simply that they “didn’t want to go.” It was a pretty popular choice to just stay home and watch movies or hang out with people that they actually like. 

Some students were willing to share a story about the weirdest thing that had happened to them while staying home the night of homecoming. Thunder Ridge Freshman, Annabelle Andrews threw a party of her own and said, “a random kid had just walked into my house and wouldn’t leave for like 15 minutes.” Alright, whose child was that? They needed to come to get them right away. That’ll definitely go down as an interesting memory from high school for Andrews. 

For many students today, staying home on homecoming night is actually starting to seem a little more fun than going to the actual dance itself.  For many, the thought of having a get-together with a lot of friends, doing whatever comes to mind, and just going on small adventures sounds pretty dang nice. Plus, you could save some of that cash you’d pay for the dress, suit, etc.