Indie Band Lovejoy Releases New EP


Alchemy McMurtrey, Staff Writer

Popular indie rock band Lovejoy released their new EP Pebble Brain on Oct. 13, 2021 on YouTube. The EP was released to Spotify on Oct. 14, at 4 p.m EST.

The EP has seven songs in total; three more songs than their last EP Are You Alright? which had four songs total. The songs in order are “Oh Yeah, You gonna cry?”; “Model Buses”; “Concrete”; “Perfume”; “You’ll Understand When You’re Older”; “The Fall”; and “It’s All Futile! It’s All Pointless”.

After being released, the EP became number two on the YouTube trending tab and reached number one trending on Twitter.

The original release date for the Ep was the end of September of 2021. This date was pushed back to some time after October 6 because the band hadn’t quite finished the EP.

The plan was to release the EP to streaming services all at the same time on Oct. 14, however, due to Apple Music releasing music at midnight of the intended release date regardless of intended release times, Australian fans of Lovejoy got access to the EP a whole 17 hours ahead of schedule.

Oct. 14 also saw the release of the EP’s first music video. The video for the song “Model Buses” and was filmed over the course of September, which was documented by Lovejoy’s bassist Ash Kabosu for his vlog channel on YouTube.

Fans who have been keeping up with updates on the EP on lead singer Wilbur Soot’s Twitch account rejoiced after “Perfume” managed to stay on the EP. This is because Soot’s friend Tom Simons, more commonly known as TommyInnit, convinced the band to keep the song.


Photo Credit: Lovejoy’s Youtube Channel